Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Run, They Say, It Will Make You Feel Better

You know how people say exercise will make you feel better, give you more energy and bla bla bla?  Well I never believed any of that.  Never.  How can exercise give me energy, I would ask.  I am way more tired after a workout than before.  Exercise will never boost my mood, I would say.  I hate it, that doesn't seem happy. Well after starting and giving up 3 times I finally followed through and finished my first training app and my first 5k.  After about 30 days my running routine seemed more like a habit, a hobby than a chore or an exercise.  It became my "me time", a time that I looked forward to every other day.  It was hard and painful but I felt amazing.  I was competing with myself and winning.

"Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started.  It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."  - Prefontaine

I have not been for a run in a whole week and I am starting to go a little crazy, probably the reason for my absence.  I have been benched again by the sports med doctor this time.  I got a diagnosis of a possible stress fracture/shin splints, I didn't feel like racking up more bills on x-rays since he said he would treat them both the same.  The injury likely stems from my torn hamstring injury in April, I never quite got my strength back to normal, and I over pronate putting more stress on the inner shin bone and calf muscles.  Basically I need to cut my mileage back drastically, add in some more cross training, sub my runs with longer walks and 6 weeks of physical therapy twice a week, I just laughed at that.  Do you know how hard it is for a SAHM (stay at home mom) to arrange appointments for herself?  Nearly impossible.  Needless to say I am not happy about this, but it is what it is.  I am going to do everything I can to speed this up though.  More yoga classes, more core work at home and earth moving to make these PT appointments work.

I am still going for my 10 miles a week challenge and my 1000 miles in 2014 challenge but it's just going to be at a slower pace, I suppose.  Looks like I will have more time for my other hobbies.  Hello my beautiful sewing machine, how have you been?  Last weekend was perfect for crafting with the stormy weather and that is exactly what I did between ice breaks.
(My crafty creation for my girls big girl room and my little "helper" Maz)

Moral of the story? The next time someone give you the dreaded exercise advice, just do it.  It will be hard and you will want to quit, and you might, but you will never feel better than when you reach that first goal.  I know this now from experience.

And of course some cute kids....
(a boy and his piggy)

(ultimate princess party)

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to be sidelined just when you got in the groove and were loving it. You have the right idea though, take it easy and do the PT/rehab. You will be back at it and can still have You Go Girl as a goal in Sep! I'm in your corner girl!
