About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog, I'm Jenn, Jennifer when I'm feeling fancy. I decided to tackle the blogosphere as a way to share my journey as a mother, crafter and new runner and hopefully inspire a few people out there.  Also as a place to share my goals and achievements in all of these departments.
(The Bratlings and I)
I am a wife to a wonderful man (7 years strong) and a mother to two beautiful children, who I frequently and lovingly refer to as "The Bratlings", Adrien, 4.5, and Claire, 2.  I am very lucky to be able to stay home and raise my children and take care of my man.  Though at times I think work outside the home sounds nice.
(My wonderful husband Kyle)
I am somewhat of a craft fanatic, all things crafty are my thing.  I don't think there is a craft out there that I have not tried.   I am the type of crafter that will stay up until 3am because her daughter needs an Easter dress or because the kids needs special personalized Valentines for their friends.  I see my crafting as my therapy.  Nothing cures a bad day like a few hours at my craft table.
(My crafty spot aka therapy room)
I am also a novice runner.  I am definitely not fast but I'm working on it.  February 27th of 2013 I decided to give the Couch to 5K plan a third go round and what do you know? Third times a charm!  I made it through the program just in time to finish my first 5k though I did tear my hamstring the week of the race.  Yes I still ran it, I worked my butt off for that race dangit! I'm sure that my family and friends are sick of hearing about my accomplishments, paces and mileage everyday (that's where a blog comes in handy) but I am so proud of myself for turning my sedentary lifestyle into an active one that I just can't help but tell anyone who will listen.  I also have a love for Jillian Michaels, hot yoga and food (this is why I run).
(My last run of 2013)

(I often take selfies while I run, it keeps me accountable)
You can expect a lot of cute pictures of The Bratlings, a lot about my adventures in running, a lot of mommy rants, probably some of my favorite family friendly recipes and most definitely some of my crafty projects.